Monday, February 6, 2012

Assignment #2: Photo Restoration (Final)

Mom's High School Photo
Before & After

Mom's Baby Photo
Before & After

Baby Dad
Before & After

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Assignment 1: Goals & Photograph

My Goals for COM/CIS 332

I want to take this class to get to know the programs used in the photography world. I have taken a few Photoshop courses, but I wish to use this opportunity to further my knowledge and to become more proficient. I have no experience with Illustrator, inDesign, or Flash, so I am excited to learn about these programs. 
As stated above, I hope to apply what I learn to my photography. To be successful in this field, I believe it is pertinent to not only have the artistic ability, but the technical knowledge and ability as well. I want to fully understand what all the tools in Photoshop and Illustrator are accomplishing, not just see the outcome. 

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